Bed Bug Removal

 Q. What are bedbugs?
A. Bedbugs are nocturnal insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals and humans.  Their flat body shape allows them to hide in tiny cracks and crevices.  A female bedbug can lay between five and 12 eggs each day: that’s up to five hundred eggs during her lifetime.  Bedbugs are flat, reddish-brown, oval-shaped insects.   After feeding, a bedbug will appear swollen and brownish-red.

Q. How did WE get them?
A. First, let’s address a very popular, albeit false belief: clean homes are infected just as easily as cluttered or dirty environments.  Even the cleanest hotels, motels and homes can be infested with bedbugs.  Bedbugs are notorious hitchhikers.  They ‘catch rides’ in your luggage, clothing and other items.  The truth is, there really isn’t a sure-fire way to avoid attracting bedbugs, but reducing clutter can help by reducing hiding places.

Q. How long do they live?
A. Most commonly, a bedbug will live between 4 to 6 months, but some may survive for years.

Q. How big are they?
A. Most are about 3/16-inch long, which is the size of an apple seed.

Q. Where do they live?
A. While they seem to prefer warmer climates, keep in mind that these nasty little hitchhikers are happy anywhere they can find food (blood from a warm-blooded animal or human).  The human body attracts bedbugs because of its warmth as well as the presence of carbon dioxide.

Q. How do I know I’ve been bitten?
A. Most bites aren’t initially painful.  In fact, people go for hours or days without knowing they’ve been bit.  Eventually, some individuals develop itching, red welts or swelling the day after being bitten.  However, many people have no physical reaction at all, with many bites leaving absolutely no mark.

Q. Do bedbugs transmit disease?
A. Fortunately, other than irritation due to bites or an occasional allergic reaction to a bite, there are no serious health risks associated with bedbug infestations.   Bedbugs don’t transmit disease to humans, although they can carry diseases.  There is no direct link between bedbug infestations to health concerns, but health officials do recommend pest control measures whenever an infestation is confirmed, as bedbug excrement may be linked to certain diseases, although this is not fully confirmed.

Q. What do I do to get rid of bedbugs?
A. That’s easy: simply call All County Environmental Services.  Our experts conduct an inspection to verify infestation and then take the appropriate measures to clear your home of these pests.  Contact us and schedule your inspection today.

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